martedì 29 gennaio 2019

The legend of Rydzyna castle


The dragon flew to the Polish castle in Rydzyna. He dropped the Count and flew off .
Giangirolamo was not happy about the fact that he did not know where he was.
Fortunately, he met a talking potato who was calling for help in all languages of the world.
The confused Count came uncertainly to the vegetable and asked:"What's happened?".
The Potato replied:"A bad green dragon pulled me out of my garden"
The Count was confused and asked:"How did you learn to speak?"
The Potato replied:"Badger stefan taught me".
The Count continued his series of questions:"What's your name?" "Janusz"the Potato replied. -"If you want, I can show you around the castle".
The count nodded. He took the vegetable by the hand and they moved ahead.

Janusz began to talk about the history of the castle in Rydzyna. Giangirolamo was very interested in the Potato's story. The evening was coming. On the way, they came across a king's maid. The woman got scared because the King left the castle and she did not expect any guests. She asked: "What are you doing here?" The Count unfortunately did not understandwhat she was saying, but thankfully Potato explained everything to him. The maid, who had a good heart, allowed them to spend the night in one of the royal chambers.

Giangirolamo was getting ready to sleep when suddenly a White Lady came out of the wall.
"What are you doing in my Castle?!"- shouted the irritated ghost.
"I'm here for the one night only, I didn't want to make troubles"- replied the frightened Count.
"All right. I will let you stay for one night, however tomorrow at 7.00 I don't want to see you here, otherwise I will send a horde of rats to you"- answeredthe White Lady and disappeared.

Giangirolamo couldn't sleep for the rest of the night. As soon as the sun started to rise he began to prepare to leave the castle. At 7.00 sharp he set off. After a few weeks of wandering he arrived in Latvia...

lunedì 28 gennaio 2019

Laboratorio "Le mani in pasta - I dolci di Carnevale"

In occasione del Carnevale gli alunni si sono cimentati nella produzione di dolci della tradizione tipica locale quali chiacchiere e struffoli.

Si comincia con le chiacchiere...

Poi gli struffoli...

Gli struffoli sono pronti! Saranno buoni?

Sono pronte anche le chiacchiere!

Queste si possono assaggiare!